NPR Politics Timestamp Message Generator


The NPR Politics Podcast starts every episode with a fan submitted timestamp message. Normally, a host from the show inturupts the message for a second to read the time the episode was recorded. I wanted to make a way to generate a timestamp message that didn't need to be inturrupted. At the same time I wanted to learn some JavaScript programming. So I decided I should make a website that generates timestamp messages. Now about 300 lines of my own JavaScript and 127 sound clips later I have made this site that does just that. Enter a time and date and this site will generate a timestamp message including that time and date read by Me!




Select a time and date in the fields above. Clicking Play will play a preview of the timestamp message without downloading it. Clicking Download will download the timestamp message without playing it.

Any blank input fields will automatically be filled with values from the current time and date when either the Play or Download button is pressed. You can click a button with nothing entered to automatically fill in all fields at once.

If you try to generate a timestamp using a number that doesn't make sense (ex. 13 o'clock on the 37th of the month) you will cause an error (for now). A message should appear if an error happens (likely "404 resources/X.mp3 not found") Until (or unless) I fix it, you will need to refresh the site to be able to use it again.

Note: This website uses some newer web browser features. Versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge that have been released since March 2017 support these features, and the site was tested with the most recent versions each of these except Edge. This site will not work on any version of Microsoft Internet Explorer.